Stenness Community School

Welcome to Our School
The overriding aim of the school is to provide a secure, happy and stimulating environment within which every child can acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to be:
Responsible Citizens
Effective Contributors
Successful Learners
Confident Individuals

We want the children at Stenness Community School to:
be healthy, happy and resilient;
be literate and numerate;
to provide opportunities for children to be open minded, inquisitive, successful and be equipped to learn from their mistakes;
be able to set and achieve realistic goals for themselves;
experience success and achieve aspirations;
show respect and care for themselves and others;
take an active role in the life of the school and the wider community;
understand Orkney’s unique location, culture and history to promote a sense of belonging;
have an understanding and awareness of the wider world;
develop a variety of skills, seize the opportunities and to meet the demands of learning, life and work;
have the confidence, awareness and information needed to help them make positive future life choices;
to see learning in all contexts as fun and challenging.